Wednesday, December 19, 2012

EM12c: JVMD Monitoring Sizing Tips

JVMD is a sampling tool that takes samples from JVM on a fixed frequency and then analyzes the collected data.

Following are some simple parameters that one needs to watch and can tune for JVMD monitoring.

1. Size of JVMD monitoring data depends on number of JVMs being monitored, sampling frequency for each JVM, number of active threads in a JVM, stack size of each of JVM thread etc.

2. Some info w.r.t. to JVMD sizing has been shared on

3. JVMD polling and sampling frequency can be tuned from JVM pool setting page as given below

4. JVMD console/Engine parameters page can be used for following settings:

5. Along with these settings, it would be good idea to regularly monitor MGMT_AD4J_TS  tablespace growth for sometime like a month or so. After a month, if no new JVMs are added, tablespace size should become more constant and

Note: These steps are also applicable for EM11g.

Monday, December 10, 2012

EM12c: How to create OS script based Metric Extension and deploy it on a target?

To create OS shell script based metric extension (ME), follow given steps:

1. Select Enterprise->Monitoring->Metric Extensions

2. Provide values for the metric extension properties in Create New wizard first page.

3. Provide shell scripting binary like /bin/sh, Shell Script name, Delimiter and Starts With expression as given below and Select Add button to add the shell script.

4. In this example, very simple script has been specified to explain the steps.

5. In next step of wizard, one needs to specify the output columns. As per given sample script, two columns Uptime and Users have been created here.

6. Select Credentials in next step to be used for this metric extension.

7. To test this metric extension, select Test Targets

8. Click on Run Test button to test the metric extension on Test target. You should see test output in Test Results panel.

9. Before submitting, review final definition for proposed metric extension.

10. Metric Extension is successfully created.

11. Once the metric extension is created, next step would be to save it as Deployable Draft as given below.

12. Once the status of metric extension shows as Deployable Draft. Select the metric extension and Deploy it to target as shown below.

13. You should see that the Metric Extension is deployed successfully.

14. After 15 min., Go to the target where this metric extension has been deployed. Select Monitoring->All Metrics. Yous should see following: