Wednesday, October 31, 2012

EM12c: Managing the Manager (MTM) with EM12cR2

With release of EM12cR2, it has MTM pages to manage the Enterprise Manager more effectively. 
These MTM pages contain monitoring and diagnostic info for the EM itself. Using these pages, one can
-view the health of EM and its various components like OMS, repository, services etc
-track the performance (notification, upload etc.)
-view diagnostics info
-manage agents

Health Overview Page
Select Setup ->Manage Cloud Control-> Health Overview

All major areas of Enterprise Manager are shown here. It has:
Overview: Provides key information for active Management Services such as the Management Agents, the WebLogic Administration Server, total number of monitored targets, number of administrators, and server load balancer (SLB) upload and console URLs, provided SLB is configured. If configured, the SLB upload and console URLs are also displayed.

Repository Details: Provides physical information about the Management Repository and the host on which the database is located. You can drill down into the database home page for more information and carry out administrative operations.

Job System Status: Displays key operational parameters of the Enterprise Manager Job service. For detailed information, you can click on the status icon to drill down into the Enterprise Manager Job Service home page.

Console Activity: Displays the overall load on the Enterprise Manager console through the average number of requests per minute and the average time required to process those requests.

Alerts: Provides details on the metric errors recorded and when an alert was triggered. In-context links to Incident Manager are also provided.

Performance Charts: Upload Backlog and Upload Rate, Backoff Requests, Notification backlog. One can drill down into any chart to view detailed metric information.

One can also see diagnostics metrics.

Repository Page
Select Setup ->Manage Cloud Control->Repository

The Repository page provides you with an overview of the status and performance of the Repository DBMS Jobs that handle part of EM’s maintenance and monitoring functionality. These DBMS jobs run within the Management Repository and require no user input. Charts showing the key Repository Details and Backlog in Repository Collection are provided. The Scheduler Status region provides the status of the scheduler and the number of Job Queue Processes.

From the Repository Details region, one can expand Management Service Repository Sessions details to view the exact number of repository connections per individual Enterprise Manager sub-component such as the event system, console, job system, or connector framework.

The Repository Scheduler Jobs Status region provides details of the DBMS Jobs regarding their status, throughput, processing time, the next scheduled run and the last scheduled run.

Advanced Queuing (AQ) provides database-integrated message queuing functionality that allows application messages to be stored persistently and propagated between queues on different machines and databases. The Management Services AQ Status region list the details of DEQUEUE and ENQUEUE status for messages specific to the Management Services AQ.

Agents Page
Select Setup -> Manage Cloud Control-> Agents.

The Agents page lists all Management Agents within your monitored environment. This page also includes misconfigured, blocked and upgradable and non- upgradable Agents.
From here one can navigate to any agent's homepage.

Management Services
Select Setup -> Manage Cloud Control->Management Services

The Management Services page displays the list of Management Services, their status, incidents, the loader throughput , CPU usage, and the JVM memory usage metrics. In addition, the Management Services displayed can be filtered by Normal Mode, Console Only, PBS only and Standby Management Services.

Viewing Enterprise Manager Topology and Charts
 To view EM topology
Select Setup-> Manage Cloud Control ->Health Overview
Select OMS and Repository menu ->Members-> Topology
The Enterprise Manager Topology page provides a graphical representation of the Enterprise Manager infrastructure components and their association. Each node in the hierarchy displays key information about the member type, the host on which it resides, and the number of incidents, if any. The incident icons on each of the nodes expand to display a global view of current status for each node in the hierarchy.

To view EM charts
Select Setup-> Manage Cloud Control ->Health Overview
Select OMS and Repository menu ->Monitoring -> Charts

The Enterprise Manager Charts page displays eight charts representing key areas that together indicate the overall health of Enterprise Manager. These are Overall Files Pending Load -Agent, Job Step Backlog, Job Step Throughput (per second), Request Processing Time (ms), Database Time (centiseconds per second), CPU Utilization (%), Pages Paged-in (per second), Pages Paged-out (per second). Data can be viewed for the Last 24 hours, last 7 days or last 31 days.

For more details, refer

Friday, October 12, 2012

EM12c: How to change the password for Weblogic Admin server and Nodemanager when existing password is known and register it with emctl commands?

[Caution: If you have already configured BI Publisher, make sure to change this password with BIP as well, else it can break BIP reports.]

One can change admin server and nodemanager password from weblogic console but to ensure that emctl acknowledges this password, there are additional steps.

1. Goto admin server console of EM_GC(GCDomain) domain

2. Login to Admin server console as user weblogic and its password

3. Go to Security Realms->myrealm->Users and Groups->weblogic->Passwords

4. Provide the new password and save it

5. To change the nodemanager password, follow given steps:

In case of multiple OMS Setup, steps a and b need to be executed only on the OMS server where Admin server is running.

    a.Go to GCDomain->Security(In the right section) ->Advanced

    b.Enter the new password in the "NodeManager Password" and "Confirm NodeManager Password" fields

6.Click on 'Activate Changes' in the left section

7.Stop the OMS
$<OMS_HOME>/bin/emctl stop oms -all

Stop the Agent on OMS Host
$<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl stop agent

8. Modify the file of the Admin Server
In the above file you will see encrypted values for username and password properties. Change the password value to the new password set(clear text).
After modifying the file, it should look like:

9. Modify the file of the Managed Server
(In case of multiple OMS Setup this step need to be performed on each OMS server)
In the above file you will see encrypted values for username and password properties. Change the password value to the new password set(clear text).
After modifying the file, it should look like:

10.Edit the file under
(In case of multiple OMS Setup, this step need to be performed on each OMS server)


11.Run following command to save the new passwords to EM Credential store
$<OMS_ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl secure create_admin_creds_wallet -admin_pwd <weblogic_pwd> -nodemgr_pwd <node_manager_pwd>

12.Start the OMS
$<OMS_ORACLE_HOME>/bin/emctl start oms